"Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?"

Well, let' see:  the wind is howling, the waves are crashing over 
the boat, the boat is beginning to sink, we're faced with death and 
drowning - and you happen to be asleep and oblivious to all this.  
How's that for reasons to be fearful - no matter what size our faith is?

The astonishing thing is that Jesus just doesn't get the life of fear 
that we understand so perfectly. Who here today has the least trouble 
identifying with the disciples and what they were going through?  Who 
here today is puzzled by their behavior?  Fear is something we 
understand all too well.  We know what it is to be afraid.  Afraid of 
losing a family a member, afraid of the uncertainties of the future, 
afraid of a relationship breaking up, afraid of losing friends, 
afraid of suffering, afraid of another's anger, afraid of losing 
control, afraid of gaining control, afraid of responsibility, afraid 
of getting hurt again, afraid of disappointing those who depend on 
us, afraid of change, afraid that things will never change, afraid 
that we've done something too awful for God or others to forgive, 
afraid that people will hate us if they really knew the evil we hide 

And so, yes, to us Jesus asks the question - and asks it as the winds 
howl and the waves crash and beat against the boat and our life feels 
like its going down - why are you fearful, O you of little faith?

If we ponder together that seemingly ridiculous question, a whole new 
world opens up to us:  the world in which our Lord lived and which He came to open up for us, so that we could live in it too.  It would 
not be going too far to describe it as a life devoid of being 
afraid.  Which is not quite the same as a life without fear.

For there is always the fear of Lord, which is the beginning of 
wisdom.  But the fear of the Lord is not the same thing as being 
afraid.  The fear of the Lord is at the end of the Gospel reading 
today, not the beginning:  The fear of the Lord is as they marvel, 
saying, "Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?"  
And it is precisely the fear of the Lord which releases us from being 
afraid.  As a wise man once said:  "Fear the Lord, and then you need 
fear nothing else."

A life without being afraid?  A life where there is no terror in the 
dark, where every circumstance and person is met with confidence and 
joy, where suffering is not feared and death is not dreaded and 
remorse does not paralyze and peace reigns over all.  Such a life 
belongs to Jesus and He lived it out fully.  He was never afraid, for 
He could out with the Psalmist:  "The Lord is my Light and my 
Salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life, 
of whom shall I be afraid?"  He cried that prayer with every ounce of 
His being and so in Him there was no fear, and He summons us with our little faith to enter into that life with Him and live - really live.

For what is there to be afraid of when Jesus is with you in your 
boat?  When He is with you in your life?  Does death terrify you?  
But He is the Resurrection and the Life, He is the Death of death.  
He is death's destruction come into human flesh.  Death cannot hold 
you when He who died and rose again calls you from the grave.  Death 
will release you and you will arise in your body - He has made death 
like a little slumber, like the nap He took on the boat.

Epiphany 4
January 29, 2006 - St. Paul
Hamel, IL
The Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
Pastor William Weedon
Do your sins terrify you?  But He is the Pardon for your sins, nailed 
to Calvary's cross, wiping out the handwriting that was against you. 
His angels have tossed from heaven the evil one who would accuse you, 
the baptized.

Do you fear the loss of friends and family?  But any who are in Him 
are never lost, for those who die in Him still live!  And He has 
promised a desired reunion in heaven.

Are you afraid that you won't have enough, that you'll suffer hunger 
or poverty?  But He promises your daily bread and even better, He 
freely gives you a food that that supplies your deepest and enduring 
need:  His body and His blood imparting to you the pardon of sin, the 
promise of your resurrection, and the gift of life with Him forever.

Are you afraid that He may have suffering in mind for you and your 
loved ones?  Don't worry.  He does!  He promises that suffering 
awaits, but He also promises that through the hardship He will bring 
you nothing but blessing, because He works all things together for 
the good of those who love Him.

You see, the One in the boat who asks:  "Why are you fearful?" has 
literally taken away from us every reason to be afraid of anything in 
this creation.  Anything at all.  He manifests the entirety of life 
and creation as a gift of love from a heavenly Father, the measure of 
whose love for you is that He gave His Son into the flesh that you 
might never fear, ever again.

Ah, but in our weakness, we still do fear.  The Church knows this.  
In her wisdom, she teaches us to pray.  There is a prayer that has 
come down to us from the dark days when Viking raiders could show up 
at night to plunder house and home - stealing, raping, murdering, 
doing all kinds of evil. Th Collect for Peace.  In it, the Church 
asks God for a most precious gift:  "and that we, being defended by 
thee from the fear of our enemies, may pass our time in rest and 
quietness."  Did you catch that?  The Church does not ask God to 
deliver her from her earthly enemies, but from the fear of them.  The 
problem was never the Vikings or any terrorist or terror ever since.  
The problem is always with our being afraid of them, as though they 
had some power over us to separate us from the love of God in 
Christ!  No way.

To belong to Christ, to have the Crucified and Risen One present in 
your lives, means a life of learning to live without fear - except 
for the fear of bowing before Him and confessing Him to be the 
Almighty God in our flesh and blood.  Indeed, "the wind and waves 
still know His voice who ruled them when on earth below."
