He comes, unexpected, like a thief in the night, not to steal or kill or destroy but to give life and to heal wounds of body and soul. You cannot justify yourself by keeping the commandments; He keeps the commandments and then is wounded Himself to bring you healing through his wounds. What do the pierced hands and feet deliver to you? Justification, the righteousness of God apart from your works of the law, but by Jesus’ works of the Law through faith alone. From his wounded side come blood and water, cleansing you of all sin, the fountain of blood that is poured out. The oil of gladness the Samaritan puts on sealing your wounded soul with forgiveness, the wine put in your wounded body to cleanse you of all sin. He bears all your burdens; whatever you owe, it is charged to His account.
At the end, Jesus asks the tricky lawyer who was neighbor to the one who fell among thieves. The answer, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus responds by saying, “Go and do likewise.” Does he really mean that? If like the lawyer you ask a question of the law, you will get an answer of the law. If you seek to make yourself righteous before God, go ahead and try. You will fail and you will die. But if you seek mercy, if you know that you are broken down, beaten up in need of a merciful Savior who will take you from death into life. Well, you’ve got him. Jesus, the Good Samaritan.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.