The Priesthood Prays
A Guide for Daily Scripture Reading, Meditation and Prayer:
for the week of Trinity Eight.    
Invocation:  In the name of the Father and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen
Apostles' Creed
Readings for the Week: LSB Daily Lectionary
on line : the Readings plus the Psalms for the Month or Readings plus the Psalms for the Day
Sun.  1 Samuel 25:23-44  / 1 Corinthians 4:1-21
Mon. 1 Samuel 26:1-25  /1 Corinthians 5:1-13
Tue.  1 Samuel 28:3-25  /1 Corinthians 6:1-20
Wed. 1 Samuel 31:1-13  /1 Corinthians 7:1-24
Thu. 2 Samuel 1:1-27  / 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
Fri.  2 Samuel 5:1-25  / 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Sat.  2 Samuel 6:1-19   / 1 Corinthians 9:1-23
IN YOUR PRAYERS FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY AT ST. PAUL -  see "In Our Prayers" in the Sunday church Bulletin for prayer request from the congregation.
Lord's Prayer
Morning or Evening Prayer from Luther's Small Catechism.
Daily Themes for Prayer:

Sun:  Pray for the joy of the resurrection among us; true and godly worship throughout the world,
and the faithful preaching and hearing of God's Word.
Mon: Pray for faith to live in the promises of Holy Baptism; your calling and daily work; the                               unemployed; the salvation and well-being of our neighbors; for government and for peace.
Tue:  Pray for deliverance against temptation; the addicted and despairing; the tortured and                             oppressed; and those struggling with besetting sins.
Wed:  Pray for marriage and family; living together under the grace of Christ according to the Word
of God; those adults who must rear their children alone; and godly schools, especially for Trinity-St. Paul
and Metro East Lutheran High School, all the schools of our Church and our seminaries.
Thu:  Pray for the Church and her pastors; for missionaries; fruitful and salutary use of the Blessed                 Sacrament of the Lord's Body and Blood.
Fri:  Pray for the preaching of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; its spread throughout the whole 
world and our community; for the persecuted. 
Sat:  Pray for faithfulness to the end; the revival of those who are withering in the faith or have
fallen away; receptive hearts for worship and study on the Lord's Day.   
Stained glass window

Next Sunday: August 17, 2014 - Trinity 9
2 Samuel 22:26-24 / 1 Corinthians 10:6-13  / Luke 16:1-13
Collect of the Day:
Grant to us, Lord, the Spirit to think and do always such things as are right, that we, who cannot do anything that is good without You, may be enabled by You to live according to Your will; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.
More Prayers
On Prayer
Readings for the Week or any Past or Future Weeks.  LSB - One Year Lectionary
Have Mercy on Me
St. Paul Lutheran Church and School