St. Polycarp - A Primer
For Further Study about St. Polycarp
The main sources for information on St. Polycarp are:
- The Epistles of St. Ignatius
- The Epistle of St. Polycarp to the Philippians
- Writings from St. Ireneaus
- The letter describing St. Polycarp’s martyrdom written by the Church in Smyrna
Time Line:
Building of the Great Wall of China China 221
Judas Maccabaeus Jewish Patriot, First Maccabaean revolt Palestine 167
Cumran manuscripts – Dead Sea Scrolls Palestine 100
Introduction of the Julian Calendar Italy 46
Cleopatra Queen of Egypt 69-30
Year 0 - Birth of Christ
Jesus Crucifixion Palestine c. A.D.33
Nero Roman Emperor A.D.37- A.D.68
St. Polycarp Borne c. A.D. 69
Destruction of Jerusalem A.D. 70
Death of the Apostle John c. A.D. 100
Death of St. Ignatius of Antioch c. A.D. 107
Birth of St. Irenaeus c. A.D. 125
Death of St. Polycarp c. A.D. 155
Death of St. Ireneaus c. A.D. 202