Resources for Studying the “Lutheran” Solas in the Fathers of the Church
William Weedon, S.S.P.
Lutheran Approach to the Fathers:
“They were human beings who could err and be deceived.” Ap XXVI:95
“Other writings of ancient or contemporary writers, whatever their names may be, shall not be regarded as equal to Holy Scripture, but all of them together shall be subjected to it, and not be accepted in any other way, or with any further authority, than as witnesses of how and where the teaching of the prophets and apostles was preserved after the time of the apostles.” FC Ep Intro:2
“Since, then, this teaching (the AC) is clearly grounded in Holy Scripture and is, moreover, neither against nor contrary to the universal Christian Church – or even the Roman Church – so far as can be observed from the writings of the Fathers, we think our opponents cannot disagree with us in the articles set forth above.” AC Part One, Conclusion:1
“For we love and venerate the testimonies of the ancient and
purer church, by whose agreement we are both aided and confirmed; but our faith
must rest on the word of God, no on human authority. Therefore we do not set the testimonies of
the fathers over the Scripture, but subordinate them to it.” -
Some Fathers on Sola Scriptura:
holy and inspired Scriptures are fully sufficient for the proclamation of the
truth. St. Athanasius (Against the Heathen, I:3)
have learned from none others the plan of our salvation, than from those
through whom the gospel has come down to us, which they did at one time
proclaim in public, and, at a later period, by the will of God, handed down to
us in the Scriptures, to be the ground and pillar of our faith." St. Irenaeus (Ante-Nicene Fathers
Vol. 1, Irenaeus, "Against Heresies" 3.1.1, p. 414.)
“Regarding the things I say, I should supply even the proofs, so I
will not seem to rely on my own opinions, but rather, prove them with
Scripture, so that the matter will remain certain and steadfast.”
"Let the inspired Scriptures then be our
umpire, and the vote of truth will be given to those whose dogmas are found to
agree with the Divine words." St.
Gregory of Nyssa (On the Holy Trinity,
NPNF, p. 327).
"We are not entitled to such license, I mean that of
affirming what we please; we make the Holy Scriptures the rule and the measure
of every tenet; we necessarily fix our eyes upon that, and approve that alone
which may be made to harmonize with the intention of those writings." St. Gregory of Nyssa (On the Soul and the
Resurrection NPNF II, V:439)
“What is the mark of a faithful soul? To be in these dispositions of full
acceptance on the authority of the words of Scripture, not venturing to reject
anything nor making additions. For, if
‘all that is not of faith is sin’ as the Apostle says, and ‘faith cometh by
hearing and hearing by the Word of God,’ everything outside Holy Scripture, not
being of faith, is sin.” Basil the Great
(The Morals, p. 204, vol 9 TFOTC).
“We are not content simply because this is the tradition of the Fathers. What is important is that the Fathers followed the meaning of the Scripture.” St. Basil the Great (On the Holy Spirit, Chapter 7, par. 16)
For concerning the divine and holy mysteries of the Faith, not
even a casual statement must be delivered without the Holy Scriptures; nor must
we be drawn aside by mere plausibility and artifices of speech. Even to me, who
tell you these things, give not absolute credence, unless you receive the proof
of the things which I announce from the Divine Scriptures. For this salvation
which we believe depends not on ingenious reasoning, but on demonstration of
the Holy Scriptures. St. Cyril of
Neither dare one agree with catholic bishops if by chance
they err in anything, but the result that their opinion is against the
canonical Scriptures of God.
when the Lord Jesus came, He forgave all men that sin which none could escape,
and blotted out the handwriting against
us by the shedding of His own Blood. This then is the Apostle's meaning;
sin abounded by the Law, but grace abounded by Jesus; for after that the whole
world became guilty, He took away the sin of the whole world, as John bore
witness, saying: Behold the Lamb of God,
which taketh away the sin of the world. Wherefore
let no man glory in works, for by his works no man shall be justified, for he
that is just hath a free gift, for he is justified by the
speaking of the wages of sin, in the case of blessings, he has not kept to the
same order: for he does not say, the
wages of your good deeds, but the gift of God:
to show, that it was not of themselves that they were freed, nor was it
a due they received, neither yet a return, nor a recompense of labors, but by
grace all these things came about. And
so there was superiority for this cause also, in that He did not free them
only, or change their condition for the better, but that He did it without any
labor or trouble upon their part: and
that He not only freed them, but also gave them more than before, and that
through His Son.” -
And he well said, "a righteousness of mine own," not that which I gained by labor and toil, but that which I found from grace. If then he who was so excellent is saved by grace, much more are you. For since it was likely they would say that the righteousness which comes from toil is the greater, he shows that it is dung in comparison with the other. For otherwise I, who was so excellent in it, would not have cast it away, and run to the other. But what is that other? That which is from the faith of God, i.e. it too is given by God. This is the righteousness of God; this is altogether a gift. And the gifts of God far exceed those worthless good deeds, which are due to our own diligence. Chrysostom (Homily on Philippians 3)
Suppose someone should be caught in the act of adultery and the foulest crimes and then be thrown into prison. Suppose, next, that judgment was going to be passed against him and that he would be condemned. Suppose that just at that moment a letter should come from the Emperor setting free from any accounting or examination all those detained in prison. If the prisoner should refuse to take advantage of the pardon, remain obstinate and choose to be brought to trial, to give an account, and to undergo punishment, he will not be able thereafter to avail himself of the Emperor's favor. For when he made himself accountable to the court, examination, and sentence, he chose of his own accord to deprive himself of the imperial gift. This is what happened in the case of the Jews. Look how it is. All human nature was taken in the foulest evils. "All have sinned," says Paul. They were locked, as it were, in a prison by the curse of their transgression of the Law. The sentence of the judge was going to be passed against them. A letter from the King came down from heaven. Rather, the King himself came. Without examination, without exacting an account, he set all men free from the chains of their sins. All, then, who run to Christ are saved by his grace and profit from his gift. Bu those who wish to find justification from the Law will also fall from grace. They will not be able to enjoy the King's loving-kindness because they are striving to gain salvation by their own efforts; they will draw down on themselves the curse of the Law because by the works of the Law no flesh will find justification. Chrysostom (Discourses Against Judaizing Christians. Discourse I:6-II:1)
Fathers on Sola Fide:
we also, who by His will have been called in Christ Jesus, are not justified by
ourselves, or our own wisdom or understanding or godliness, nor by such deeds
as we have done in holiness of heart, but by that faith through which Almighty
God has justified all men since the beginning of time. Glory be to Him, forever and ever, Amen."
“Human beings can be saved from the ancient wound of the serpent in no other way than by believing in him who, when he was raised up from the earth on the tree of martyrdom in the likeness of sinful flesh, drew all things to himself and gave life to the dead.” - St. Irenaeus (Against the Heresies, IV, 2, 7)
"Indeed, this is the perfect and complete glorification of God, when one does not exult in his own righteousness, but recognizing oneself as lacking true righteousness to be justified by faith alone in Christ." - St. Basil the Great (Homily on Humility, PG 31.532; TFoTC vol. 9, p. 479)
said that he who adhered to faith alone was cursed; but he, Paul, shows that he
who adhered to faith alone is blessed."
you believe the faith; why then do you add other things, as if faith were not
sufficient to justify? You make
yourselves captive, and you subject yourself to the law." -
declare His righteousness." What is declaring of righteousness? Like the
declaring of His riches, not only for Him to be rich Himself, but also to make
others rich, or of life, not only that He is Himself living, but also that He
makes the dead to live; and of His power, not only that He is Himself powerful,
but also that He makes the feeble powerful. So also is the declaring of His
righteousness not only that He is Himself righteous, but that He doth also make
them that are filled with the putrefying sores (katasapentaj) of sin suddenly
righteous. And it is to explain this, viz. what is "declaring," that
he has added, "That He might be just, and the justifier of him which
believeth in Jesus." Doubt not then: for it is not of works, but of faith:
and shun not the righteousness of God, for it is a blessing in two ways;
because it is easy, and also open to all men. And be not abashed and
shamefaced. For if He Himself openly declareth (endeiknutai) Himself to do so,
and He, so to say, findeth a delight and a pride therein, how comest thou to be
dejected and to hide thy face at what thy Master glorieth in? -
Fathers on Solus Christus:
therefore first, as an indestructible foundation, the Cross, and build upon it
the other articles of the faith. - St. Cyril of
God is a great lover of man. He did not hesitate to surrender His Son as prey in order to spare His servant. He surrendered His only-begotten to purchase hard-hearted servants. He paid the blood of His Son as the price. O the philanthropy of the Master! And do not tell me again, “I sinned a lot; how can I be saved?” You cannot save yourself, but your Master can, and to such a great degree as to obliterate your sins. Pay attention very carefully to the discourse. He wipes out the sins so completely that not a single trace of them remains. – Chrysostom (Homily 8 on Repentance and the Church TFOTC, pp. 116,117)
is Master by virtue of His own essence and Master by virtue of His incarnate
life. For He creates man from nothing,
and through His own blood redeems him when dead in sin; and to those who
believe in Him He has given His grace.
When Scripture says, 'He will reward every man according to his works'
– (340-397) bishop of
– (c. 296-373) bishop of
– (354-430) bishop of Hippo from 396, most influential theologian of the
– (c. 330-379) bishop of Caeserea from 370, opponent of Arianism. One of the Cappadocian fathers. “How expertly
and reverently he spoke on the article of justification in his writing on
humility and on many other subjects!”
– (c. 347-407) Bishop of
Gregory of Nyssa – (c. 330-395) Greek bishop of Nyssa, and brother of Basil.
– (c. 130-c. 200) Bishop of Lyon, early Christian apologist and disciple of
Polycarp, disciple of John. “These books
are most worthy of our reading because they deal with the main points of the
Christian faith in a most fundamental way.”
Mark the Ascetic – (c. 425) Famous ascetical writer who denounced trust in our own works.