
If Lent is the journey to Easter, to the return to our Baptism into Christ, then the three Sundays of Gesimatide (before the start of Lent) are the days when we begin making preparations for that journey. All three Sunday readings invite some thought about the coming Fast and its ultimate goal: the Paschal Feast.

Gesimatide invites some intentional thought and planning about how you will join in the keeping of the Fast (Lent auf Deutsch ist Fastenzeit) and practice the other Lenten disciplines of Prayer and Almsgiving, finding in Christ alone the bread which sustains our new life and which frees us to share our bread with the poor and to experience the joy of time in prayer with our Lord Jesus.

When Ash Wednesday arrives we will have a clear sense of where we are going (to the joys of Easter!) and how we will get there (through repentance, which means following our Lord in His passion!). 

Note that the Alleluia is silenced in the Church from Septuagesima Sunday until the Vigil of Easter.  On Ash Wednesday the Gloria in Excelsis will drop out.  During Passiontide (Fifth and Sixth Sundays of Lent) even the Gloria Patri disappears, as we prepare to enter the great silence before the Lamb reigning victorious in His sacrifice of love on Calvary's tree.
The Fast
More on Gesimatide
What is Quinquagesima?
Quinquagesima means "about 50 days" before Easter.  This is the last Sunday of Pre-Lent, and Ash Wednesday is only three days away.  Today's Gospel shows how the disciples don't understand at all what the Lord's Passion is all about - and how often we misunderstand it too.  We pray that like the blind man, our eyes will be opened and we will follow Jesus up the road to Jerusalem that we might finally "get" what God is up to in the suffering and death of the Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faith Alone

Quinquagesima Sunday
1 Samuel 16:1-13 or Isaiah 35:3-7/ 1 Corinthians 13:1-13/ Luke 18:31-34
The third week reminds us that with eyes wide open to the mercies of God, Christ our Lord summons us to travel the road that leads to Calvary and beyond to the joys of the Resurrection.     Homily 2009     Homily 2008     Homily 2007     Homily 2006
Homily 2005
What t Is Sexagesima?
Sexagesima is the second Sunday of Pre-Lent.  It's name means "60-some" days before Easter.  The readings remind us that the key to our Lenten renewal is a careful hearing and heeding of the powerful and living Word of God - a Word which always goes forth with the power to accomplish God's purposes (to give us life and  salvation), but which can be rendered fruitless in our lives by inattentive hearing, by not letting it take deep root, or by letting other things (cares and riches) squeeze it out.  The church calls us to receive and welcome this implanted Word which, when really heard and heeded, truly saves our souls.  Scripture Alone

Sexagesima Sunday
Isaiah 55:10-13/ Hebrews 4:9-13/ Luke 8:4-15 
The second week suggests that our fast provide us more intensive time with the Word, that it may bear abundant fruit within us.  Homily 2009      Homily 2008    Homily 2007     Homily 2006     Homily 2005
What is Septuagesima?
The three "gesima" Sundays form the little season of pre-lent.  Septuagesima means "70 or so" days before Easter.  It is a reminder that Lent is coming, and a call for us to decide how we will observe the Church's fast.  Note that from Septuagesima until Easter, the Alleluia is omitted from the Divine Service, and replaced by the Tract (Psalm verses, usually of a penitential nature).  Grace Alone

Septuagesima Sunday
Exodus:17:1-7/ 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:5/ Matthew 20:1-16
The first week suggests that our fast include a refraining from complaining (against God and one another).  Septuagesima means "70 or so" days before Easter.  It is a reminder that Lent is coming, and a call for us to decide how we will observe the Church's fast.  Note that from Septuagesima until Easter, the Alleluia is omitted from the Divine Service, and replaced by the Tract (Psalm verses, usually of a penitential nature).     Homily 2010     Homily 2009     Homily 2008     Homily 2007     Homily 2006    
Ashes and Ash Wednesday