Pastor Gleason
Homily for Maundy Thursday
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Exodus 12:1-14 / 1 Corinthians 11:23-32
John 13:1-15, 34-35
The Gospel for Maundy Thursday tells us about that time when Jesus knelt down in humble servitude and washed the disciples’ feet, dirtied from the day’s travels. In this act Jesus taught his disciples a lesson about the relationship, or fellowship, they have with him as their Lord and Teacher, and with themselves as brethren. That relationship is one of love that forgives. Like washing someone’s dirty feet, so also we love one another as Christ has loved us: by forgiving our sins.
The practice of washing feet when entering a home was common in that day; that’s why in the gospel reading the pitcher of water, the basin and the towel were all present in the room. Customarily servants washed the feet of the master of a house. At times the head of the household would wash the feet of a special guest, but that was rare and generally the task was left to the servants.
That night, Jesus washed the disciples’ feet, but it was for more than merely practical reasons. Jesus wanted to teach them a lesson about their spiritual walk together. Washing their feet was a type of object lesson. Thus when Peter began to refuse, Jesus responded: “If I do not wash you, you have no part with me.” So Peter’s immediate reply was to have his hands and head washed, too. But Jesus again responded to Peter’s misunderstanding, saying, “He who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely cleaned.” Now, Jesus’ remark about the obvious bathing practices of men is to point us to the not-so-obvious saving practices of God. What did Jesus really mean?
When the word “wash” comes up in the Scriptures, it may have different meanings. At times it simply means everyday washing that you or I would do. However, in the Bible, it often refers to some special washing, for example, the ceremonial washing the Pharisees did before meals. Very often it refers to the washing of baptism, which is the inner washing of the soul that God brings about through the blood of His Son. This latter meaning is what Jesus referred to when He spoke to Peter.
On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus was thinking a lot about His blood, which He would shed on the cross. Not only did he institute the sacrament of the Holy Supper in which He gives to us that very blood, but He also taught his disciples how that blood cleanses us, or washes us, from sin. Peter’s misunderstanding about his foot-washing stemmed from his misunderstanding about Jesus’ death.
We must not misunderstand, however. Jesus’ blood, indeed, washes us clean. When His blood was poured out on the cross, God’s wrath toward sinners was appeased through the blood of the sinless Lamb of God. By faith and baptism we receive that cleansing flood, and by God’s wondrous grace we are made completely clean for Jesus sake.
A problem arises, though. We are spiritually clean, but the world around us is not. God has cleansed us from our sins through baptism, but He did not take us out of this sin-dirty world. In fact, He sends us out into the world to serve our neighbor. And when that happens, we’re going to get dirty. Our feet, beautiful as they may be bringing the Gospel, are going to come in contact with the dirt of sin. We might fail to walk the straight and clean path to which God has called us; like straying sheep, we often turn aside into paths of unrighteousness. We may be tempted by the world to soil ourselves with dirty jokes and filthy talk. Maybe we kick up the dust of contention, fighting and backbiting each other. The spirit may be willing to stay clean, but the flesh is often too weak to stay that way. And the problem with dirty feet, as any mother will tell you, is that you can’t get back into the house that way. Likewise, we can’t get back into our heavenly Father’s house with dirty feet, either. We need to have them washed.
God our Father has provided that cleansing. He sent his Son to wash us completely from the guilt of all our sin on the cross, and baptism is the means by which we receive that cleansing. But while we are in this sin-filled world, we cannot escape the temptations of Satan, the lure of the world, and the weakness of the flesh. So God also sends his Son to cleanse us from the sin that assails us each day of our earthly life. We must daily dip our feet in baptism’s waters through repentance and faith. Everyday we must confess our sins to God, our Father, beseeching Him in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to grant us forgiveness. By recalling and believing the cleansing power of our baptism, Jesus washes us of our sins.
But that is not the only time that Jesus comes and washes our feet.The cleansing power of His blood is also that which we receive in His Holy Supper. Like Jesus’ disciples gathered in the Upper Room, we gather together soiled by sin. But here, in this Holy Supper, our feet are washed by the Savior. In this sacrament we are refreshed, knowing that the dirt of our iniquities is again washed away by Christ’s blood. And when we are washed by him, we have a part with him, as Jesus said to Peter. For in this cleansing repast, there is also a Holy Communion with God our Savior—a communion that we not only share with him, but also with one another.
The only thing that could prevent us from being cleansed is refusing to receive it, or doubting what Christ offers us here. Let us put off the sandals of disbelief; let us cast away any pride that will not let us be washed by our Teacher and Lord. Come, let us be washed from all the dirtiness of our sins by him who alone is able to do it, our Lord Jesus. And having been washed by the Master, let us now do as he has given us example. Let us wash one another’s feet in humble acts of forgiveness and love.
