Where the holy angels, there the praises of God. Likewise, where the praises of God, there the holy angels. They surround the throne of God and of the lamb and they extol the love that flows ceaselessly from the Triune God. It is to them their very life. In fact, Jesus says that even when they are down here doing their protecting jobs on the little ones they are still always beholding the face of the Father in heaven. Nothing deflects them from such a vision and so praise to God is their very breath.
During WWII in France a church let out and a small handful of people, mostly old ladies, came out. A GI Joe watching the group leave said to the old priest: "Not many at mass today, Father." He paused and then said: "Oh, no, my son! You're mistaken. Thousands upon thousands and ten thousand thousands. Why it was standing room only!" The GI Joe had left out of his counting the angels.
"And so with angels and archangels and with all the company of heaven," the church's pastors have shouted out for century upon century. Not just those we see are present in worship. Rather, when we gather before the Lamb and His Father and in the power of His Spirit, there with us in our worship and adoration are the angelic companies beyond count. Our voices are merely added to their ceaseless doxologies. For a time we taste heaven itself and savor the joys that will be ours one day, joys which are the angels' perpetually even now.
Michael gets the top billing in the first two readings today. He's the archangel of God's people, their angelic protector. "At that time Michael, the great prince, the protector of your people, shall arise." And when he does, watch out! Trouble on earth, to be sure, but it will be the birth pangs of new creation for all those whose names are written in the book of life. They rise from the dust of the earth, shining like stars. Their own bodies and souls reunited and now outwardly reflecting the glory of the Lamb who redeemed them. Michael guards their passage home, into the joys that do not end. He "rows the boat ashore" and welcomes them into the praise that surrounds the throne.
In the second reading, Michael is at work once more, this time booting Satan out of heaven. He shows the devil the door. Satan can no longer accuse the people of God. It's the heaven-side of the cross and resurrection. For all who have been baptized into Christ, Satan has lost the right of accusation. he cannot point to our sins and tell the Father that we are his property; for our sins have been forgiven by the Lamb, and that the Lamb's sacrifice was accepted is shown by the Father's raising Him from the dead. Consequently, Satan is persona ingrata in heaven. Where the praises of God rise unfailingly around the crystal sea, there is never heard a murmur against the people who stand clothed in white - dressed in nothing less than the righteousness of Christ Himself. Your sins and mine are covered in heaven's sight by the Lamb's blood.
But the devil has been cast down to earth and he remains a force to be contended with. A fallen angel, an angel who has fallen away from the unending praise of God and found that the only alternative is bitter emptiness and devouring hate. "Beware of him!" cries the voice in heaven. "He's roaming the earth like a hungry lion looking for chow. Don't you be that chow. Don't be swallowed into the barrenness of his praiseless life."
Instead, the rejoicing of the angels. The disciples come back to Jesus, laughing and dancing at how the demons fled before them as they summoned the mighty name of Jesus. So at Baptism, Satan trembles and leaves his prey in the hands of Him who resurrects the dead. There too the mighty name of Jesus does its miracles.
Names written is God's way of saying: I've got you jotted down and so I won't forget you. You belong to me for the length of your days and when your days are ended and you sleep in the dust, you must not be afraid that I've forgotten you. No. I've got your name here and when Michael stirs things up at the end, you will stand on the earth bright and shinning with My Son's holiness. Your name is written here because you are in Him and He is the Book of Life itself.
Baptism talk again. When the water splashed upon you, God wrote over you in letters that angles and demons can read: "This one is mine." To the Angels that's a message: "Take care of my treasure." To the demons it's a warning: "Hands off." And even as the name was written upon you to mark you as His own, so your name was written in heaven as belonging to Christ. And even before the foundation of the world, your name was written and you were known and loved. "This one is mine."
And we cannot but help joining in praise with the holy angles. They don't want attention for themselves. That would upset them no end. They don't want us focusing on them, but they want us rejoicing and praising Him with them.
Lips that do not praise; Hearts that do not thank; Lives that do not join the angels in celebrating such as love: these contradict the Baptism into which we have been placed. For this we must repent. And what happens when we do? "There is more joy among the angels of God over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous who need no repentance." When we enter their joy and repent from everything that keeps us from living in praise, then the angels ring the joy-bells of heaven even louder, welcoming us with them into the praise of father, Son, and Spirit.
Praise Him, all his angels! Praise Him, ye heavenly host! Praise Him, ye sons of Adam and daughters of Eve! Praise with the angels the Lamb who has redeemed you from sin and death and whose blood sets you free to be the people of God. Praise Him, for you were created and recreated to praise.