stained glass window and cross
Sundays in Lent
The Fast
Invocabit Sunday - The first Sunday in Lent - Divine Service 
Ember Days

Homily 2009     Homily 2008     Homily 2007   
Readings: Genesis 3:1-21/ Hebrews 4:14-16/ Matthew 4:1-11

What is Invocabit?
The Sundays in Lent are generally named from the first words of the Introit for the day.  So this Sunday is from the Latin for the phrase: "When he calls to me (or invokes me), I will answer him."  The name serves as a reminder that God stands ready to help in time of temptation and trial all who call upon Him in prayer.

Jesus Does Battle in Our Place.  In the Garden, man exalts himself to be a god in place of God (Genesis 3:1-21).  He succumbs to the temptations of the devil, and eating of the forbidden fruit, he receives death.  But in the sin cursed wilderness, God humbles Himself to become man in place of man (Matthew 4:1-11).  He does not eat but fasts and bears the onslaughts of the devil for us that we may be restored to life.  Seeing that we have a great High Priest, let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain help in time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16).

He will command His angels con- | cerning you*
To guard you in | all your ways.
On their hands they will | bear you up,*
Lest you strike your foot a- | gainst a stone.

He who dwells in the shelter of the | Most High*
    will abide in the shadow of the Al- | mighty.
He will cover you with his | pinions,*
    and under his wings you will find | refuge.
When he calls to me, I will | answer him;*
    I will be with him in | trouble.
With long life I will sat- | isfy him*
    and show him my sal- | vation.
Judica Sunday - The fifth Sunday in Lent - Divine Service

Homily 2009     Homily 2008     Homily 2007     Homily 2006
Genesis 22:1-14, Hebrews 9:11-15, John 8:46-59 

What is Judica?   Judica comes from the opening of Psalm 43:  "Judge me" or "Vindicate me." The Church hears in the Psalm the cry of our Lord as He enters His Passion (this is also known as Passion Sunday) - a plea for His Father to vindicate Him as the innocent one. That plea was answered by the Father on Easter Day when our Lord was freed from the grave, raised in a body incorruptible.

Jesus Is Our Redemption - In the temple Jesus said, "If anyone keeps my word, he will never see death" (John 8:51).  For Jesus came to taste death for us-to drink the cup of suffering to the dregs in order that we might be released from its power.  Clinging to His life-giving words, we are delivered from death's sting and its eternal judgement.  Christ is our High Priest, who entered the Most Holy Place and with His own blood obtained everlasting redemption for His people (Hebrews 9:11-15).  He is the One who was before Abraham was, and yet is his descendant.  He is the promised Son who carries the wood up the mountain for the sacrifice, and who is bound and laid upon the altar of the cross.  He is the ram who is offered in our place, who is willingly caught in the thicket of our sin, and who wears the crown of thorns upon His head (Genesis 22:1-14).  Though Jesus is dishonored by the sons of the devil, He is vindicated by the Father through the cross.    

Deliver me from my enemies, | O Lord!*
    Teach me to do your will, for you | are my God!
[You] delivered me from my | enemies;*
    you rescued me from the man of | violence.

“Greatly have they afflicted me | from my youth”—*
    let Israel | now say—
“Greatly have they afflicted me | from my youth,*
    yet they have not prevailed a- | gainst me.
The plowers plowed up- | on my back;*
    they made long their | furrows.”
The Lord is | righteous;*
    he has cut the cords of the | wicked.
Reminscere Sunday - The second Sunday in Lent - Divine Service

Homily 2009     Homily 2008     Homily 2007
Readings Genesis 32:22-23, Romans 5:1-5, Matthew 15:21-28

What is Reminiscere?  The traditional introit for this day contains the plea: “Remember Your mercy, O Lord, and Your steadfast love; for they have been from of old.”  (Psalm 25:6) You can almost hear it as the plea of Jacob in the first reading (Genesis 32:22-32), or of the mother in the Gospel reading (Matthew 15:21-28).  Sounds strange to remind God to be merciful, but anyone who has walked the faith knows the experience; the feeling of being ignored, abandoned, left alone.  In such a time, from such trouble, the cry arises; “Remember Your mercy, O Lord” and in mercy He always does.

Holding God to His Word - Jacob wrestled with God; he would not let Him go until he received a blessing from Him (Genesis 32:22-32).  So it was with the Canaanite Woman.  Through Jesus seemed to ignore and reject her, she continued to call upon Him for help (Matthew 15:21-28).  Even when the Lord called her a little dog, she held on to Him in faith and would not let Him wriggle out of his words: "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."  This Gentile woman shows herself to be a true Israelite, who struggles with God and man in Christ and prevails.  "O woman, great is your faith!@  Be it done for you as you desire" (Matthew 15:27-28).  This is the sanctifying will of God (1 Thessalonians 4:1-7) - to test your faith in order that it may be refined and strengthened.  For tribulation produces perseverance; perseverance, character; character, hope.  And hope in Christ does not disappoint (Romans 5:1-5).    

The troubles of my heart | are enlarged;*
    bring me out of my dis- | tresses.
Consider my affliction and my | trouble,*
    and forgive | all my sins.

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for | he is good,*
    for his steadfast love endures for- | ever!
Who can utter the mighty deeds | of the LORD,*
    or declare | all his praise?
Blessèd are they who observe | justice,*
    who do righteousness | at all times!
Remember me, O LORD, when you show favor to your | people;*
    help me when you | save them
Ash Wednesday - The first day of Lent - Divine Service

Homily 2008     Homily 2007
Readings: Joel 2:12-19 / 2 Peter 1:2-11/ Matthew 6:16-21
Oculi Sunday - The third Sunday in Lent - Divine Service

Homily 2009     Homily 2008     Homily 2007
Readings Exodus 8:16-24, Ephesians 5:1-9, Luke 11:14-28

What is Oculi?  Oculi is the Third Sunday in Lent.  As usual, the name derives from the opening words of the Latin Introit:  "My eyes are ever toward the Lord."  Where ARE our eyes fixed?  We look at what we long for.  The Church today invites our eyes to be fixed on the Stronger One who alone can free us from slavery to Satan and the things of this world and through the hearing and keeping of His Word set our eyes and our hearts on things above.  "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith!" 

Jesus Overcomes the Strong Man.  Jeremiah was charged with speaking evil when he spoke the Word of the Lord (Jeremiah 26:1-15).  So also, Jesus is accused of doing evil when in fact He is doing good.  He casts out a demon from a mute man so that he is able to speak (Luke 11:14-28).  But some said Jesus did this by the power of Beelzebub, Satan.  Like Pharaoh of old, their hearts were hard (Exodus 8:16-24).  They did not recognize the finger of God, the power of the Holy Spirit at work in and through Jesus.  Jesus is the Stronger Man who overcomes the strong man.  He takes the devil's armor of sin and death and destroys it from the inside out by the holy cross.  He exorcizes and frees us by water and the Word.  We were once darkness, but now we are light in Christ the Lord
(Ephesians 5:1-9).  As children of light, our tongues are loosed to give thanks to Him who saved us.    

Arise, O Lord! Let not | man prevail;*
    let the nations be judged be- | fore you!
When my enemies | turn back,*
    they stumble and perish before your | presence.

To you I lift | up my eyes,*
    O you who are enthroned in the | heavens!
Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their | master,*
    so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he has mercy up- | on us.
Have mercy upon us, | O LORD,*
    have mercy up- | on us.
Laetare Sunday - The fourth Sunday in Lent - Divine Service

Homily 2008     Homily 2007     Homily 2006
Isaiah 49:8-13, Acts 2:41-47, John 6:1-15

What is Laetare?  Laetare (Latin for Rejoice!) is the fourth Sunday in Lent, a Sunday of refreshment in the midst of the fast. On this day, the joy of the upcoming feast of Easter breaks forth and all the appointed propers (readings and prayers) reflect that joy.  Christ is the Good Shepherd who knows how to feed his own in the wilderness of this world with miraculous food - food that sustains our faith in Him and His victory over sin and death.

Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her;
that you may nurse and be satisfied from her consoling breast.
I was glad when they said to me,
"Let us go to the house of the Lord." [Introit]

Laetare reminds us that after Lent comes joy - the Paschal Joy who is our Risen Lord. Much as Gaudete interrupts Advent to anticipate the joys of the Nativity, so Laetare interrupts Lent to anticipate the joys of the Pascha, our Lord's Resurrection.

In our collect we remember this day that our heavenly Father's mercies are new every morning; and that though we deserve nothing but punishment, He receives us as His children and provides for all our needs of body and soul. We see how richly in the story of the feeding of the 5,000.

But even in that account, the Lord's Passover is not far from the mind. If the disciples had held onto what little He gave them, at the end of the day that's all they'd have had and no miracle at all. But because they did as He bid them, and gave away what they had, they ended up feeding a multitude and collecting 12 baskets of leftovers. In this our Lord teaches us that the joy of life is had in giving it away - and then more life comes to you than you can shake a stick at. So He showed at His passover - and now He lives in a risen life that is the source of our eternal salvation, and which He reaches us in the bread and wine that His words bless and give us as His body and blood!

The Lord Feeds His People - He who is Himself the living bread from heaven miraculously provides bread for the five thousand (John 6:1-15).  This takes place near the time of the Passover, after a great multitude had followed Jesus across the sea, and when He went up on a mountain.  Five loaves become twelve baskets-that is, the five books of Moses find the goal and fulfillment in Christ, whose people continue steadfastly in the doctrine and fellowship of the twelve apostles, and in the breaking and receiving of the bread of life, which is the body of Christ together with His precious, blood, and in the prayers
(Acts 2:41-47).  So it is that God's people "shall not hunger or thirst" (Isaiah 49:8-13).  For He abundantly provides for us in both body and soul.    

I was glad when they | said to me,*
    “Let us go to the house | of the LORD!”
Peace be with- | in your walls*
    and security within your | towers!

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount | Zion,*
    which cannot be moved, but abides for- | ever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds his | people,*
    from this time forth and forevermore. Peace be upon | Israel!
Have Mercy on Me
Understanding Holy Week and Its Services
Understanding Holy Week and Its Services
Ash Wednesday, Lenten Midweek Services, Holy Week and Easter